Angelica Panganiban, a Filipino American model and actress who also serves as a TV hostess and comedian. Regarded as the new Queen of Drama by various media outlets Panganiban is recognized as one of the best seasoned and versatile actresses in the Philippines. While the term angelica root suggests that only the root is used however, the majority of A. archangelica supplements and herbal medicines include the seeds, root or fruits and also flowers of the plant. Most Sinensis products contain only the root. Angelica participated in season 12 of America's Got Talent, where her performance of Rise Up (by Andra) was instrumental in getting her through the auditions. Angelica received a gold buzzer from guest judges Chris Hardwick in the Judge Cuts Round after performing Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys. She was then sent straight to the live show. During the live shows she performed Clarity by Zedd in the Quarterfinals and Without You By David Guetta for her Semifinals performance. Angelica could advance to the Finals. The song she performed was Symphony of the Night from Clean Bandit. The singer performed Stronger with Kelly Clarkson, and Kechi Okwuchi at the end of the competition. As the youngest runner-up in history, Hale was second on the podium. In 2012 when Angelica Hale was just 4 years old she became very ill with double pneumonia due to a severe strep pneumonia infective bacteria. Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Egleston, where she was treated for her life-saving illness using an ECMO-based, life-saving. Her kidneys did not recover when she contracted an infection that was septic and she had several organ failure. Her life became a new routine of hemodialysis followed by the peritoneal dilation. She finally returned home after 80 days of hospitalization, after a time when she was near death to the long road back to health. Life was forever changed. Angelica, after a year of dialysis and a half year of treatment, was ready for the most significant operation ever - the replacement of her kidney. It was her own mother who was the one to donate her kidney. Angelica Hale, along with her mother had a kidney transplantation on the premises of Emory University Hospital in Atlanta as well as Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Egleston on September 13 2013. Angelica Hale, a young teenager from Atlanta, who always wanted to be an actress and a singer, is still pursuing this dream.
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